6 Little Known Online Lesbian Dating Rules

Jun 7, 2016

Set Yourself Up For A Successful Date With These Lesbian Dating Tips

It is often a preconceived notion that women are far better at romance and romantic situations than men. While men are stumbling around trying to navigate their way through the emotional needs of women. Women know exactly how to be romantic. If that’s the case, then lesbians should be the most romantic type of couple. However, this perception is wrong – as lesbians, we can be just as awkward and bad at dating as anyone else. Here are some helpful lesbian dating tips that will take you from a single, unhappy lady to a member of a budding new relationship.

1.) Just Ask Her Out

For most people, asking someone out on a date is one of the most anxiety-inducing occurrences in social interaction. It is stressful to walk up to someone that you like and ask them if they would like to spend time with you. But it is very important that you do it. Without actually expressing your interest in them, any potential romance is impossible. Don’t wait for them to come to you. Take the plunge and ask her out!

Before you ask her out,  you may want to discover more about lesbian dating rules?
I came across this great book “Conscious LESBIAN Dating & Love“, which will give you a comprehensive guideline for your lesbian relationship. If you don’t want to mess up your first lesbian date – this book is a must read. Available at Amazon.com


Plan your lesbian online date

2.) Make Precise Plans

Now that you have successfully asked her out (congratulations, by the way!), it is imperative that you make plans that are precise and fool-proof. “Hey, how about we meet downtown at like 8pm-ish?” is an example of a poor plan. Make sure that there is as little room for interpretation and error as possible. “Let’s meet at X restaurant at 18:00 for some dinner, then we can go and see a movie at Y cinema nearby,” is far better. Laying out detailed, concrete plans show that you have thought about the date in advance, which is always a positive. Also, missing out on date time because you have to find each other is not worth the risk.


3.) Get Creative

The next set of lesbian dating rules surround the nature of the date itself. While the dinner- and-a-movie example is a tried-and-tested standard date, it might be better for you to make it more interesting to better capture the interest of your date. You can go to a well-reviewed bistro in an up-and-coming area instead of going to the fancy five-star hotel. You can go on a picnic or visit a local park. Just make sure that you will be able to spend time talking alone with your date. Going somewhere like a club or sports game on your first date is overwhelming for your date – she wants to be with you. Choose something interesting that lets her do that.


4.) Bring Her a Gift

Before you go on your date, get your date a little present. No, don’t get her a cat or a week at a fancy spa. Just a small bunch of flowers, some chocolate or candy, or maybe even a copy of a movie you like. Try and personalize it to show that you are highly interested in the relationship from the start.

You need some fancy ideas? Have a look here:


5.) Put Your Phone Away

In our modern world, it is far too easy to be caught up online. Many of us have developed the habit of constantly checking our social media to see what’s going on. On a date, however, this is an awful thing to do. Looking at your phone suggests that you care more about what random people on the Internet think about you than what your date thinks about you. Turn your phone off as you meet your date to avoid any temptation. Wear a watch so you don’t need to look at your phone for the time. Just make sure that you are giving your date your full attention.


6.) Ask Her about Herself

With your phone tucked away, the last set of lesbian dating rules is to find out about her. You might be bursting to tell her about every day in your life from the first one that you can remember. Don’t. If she wants to know, she’ll ask. Try and see how much you can find out about her, without asking awkward questions. She will slowly open up to you, and the conversation will keep flowing until it’s time to end the date.

From good planning to creativity and social graces, there are many lesbian dating tips that might seem like common sense. However, in the heat of the moment when you’re asking out the girl that you like, it’s easy to forget them. We hope that you can use these lesbian dating rules to allow your love life to flourish.


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