How to Talk to Women

There is no manual for men when it comes to learning how to talk to women. It is not something that can be taught in a class. Men have to learn how to talk to women. Some men become totally speechless when they are around a woman. But talking to women doesn’t...

10 Safety Tips for Dating Seniors

Seniors are a major participants of the dating traffic over the internet nowadays. Listed below are 10 tips which may help them carry out a safe dating. 1. Make sure you don’t uncover yourself too early in the game of meeting new people. There exist some...

Dating Your Best Friend

Everyone has a best friend. Whether you are a girl with another girl for your best friend or a girl with a guy for a best friend or even vice versa, you probably have one friend who you are way closer with than anyone else. When you’ve been friends for such a...

5 Tips for Online Dating in Russia

What is your perception for Online Dating? Is it a simple and easy way or really a tough way to find you date? According to me though it is a fun process, but the process is not that simple as it is said to be. It is as tough as to date a woman in offline mode....

Creative First Date Ideas for Impressing A Girl

If you’ve found someone to go out with, or are thinking about re-entering the dating scene, then you can use all the help you can get on thinking of great places to take your dates. A dinner and a movie is classic, but a movie is a poor place to take a date, and...