Three vital tips for preparing for a first date

Jan 2, 2016

So, you’re meeting your date in two hours. There’s a good chance you’re a nervous wreck. Nerves are a natural part of playing the dating game, but they can also do more harm than good. Excess nerves can cause you to be someone you’re normally not while making a first impression. It probably isn’t a good idea to make your first impression be one drenched in sweat. Here are a few tips on avoiding first date nerves:

Don’t Be a Last Minute Planner

While it’s tempting to spend as little time preparing for a date as possible in order to keep your mind on other things, it’s better to take your time when getting ready to make sure you’re not rushed. Plan for where you’re going and how you’ll get there. Preparation calms the nerves.

Have a Backup Plan

When you’re meeting a guy for the first time, you should always have a backup plan in mind. Remember the basic rules for meeting someone online: Meet in a public place, never disclose your address on the first date and have a backup plan. Have a good friend on standby that you can call if needed. Always tell someone where you’ll be.

Take a Deep Breath

Dates are nerve wrecking, but they’re also supposed to be fun. Take a deep breath, hold your hold up high, take one last look at yourself in the mirror and realize that you’ve got this. Give yourself a pep talk to feel a bit more confident. Smile.

You’re beautiful and you’d be a fine catch for any guy. You’re going to have an awesome time. Be confident of this fact and take some time to prepare before that first date. You’ll do just fine.

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Guy’s watch out !
What a brilliant and funny video. What I always like to say – “don’t take yourself so gd seriously !!”

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