There is the issue of being a challenge. Girls act sweet when you’re a challenge to them. They act bitchy when they take you for granted and no longer feel like they need to win your affections. Often by around month 6 in a relationship is when a woman really starts to take a guy for granted, so avoid that by remaining a challenge.
So here’s the solution to remaining the attractive guy in your relationships:
1. Always be willing to focus your time on things other than your girlfriend. Don’t reward her for acting bitchy by continuing to be around her when she does. On the other hand, too, reward her for good behavior by giving her more of your time when she acts sweet.
2. Always have it in the back of your mind that you could end the relationship at any time. Don’t explicitly threaten her with that, but just make it a subtle implication. That way she’ll never become truly comfortable with the relationship and will keep working to win you.
3. Always allow her to think that she’s just a little bit more interested in you than you are in her. Again, this can be very subtle, but if you’re telling her 20 times a day that you love her, and she’s only telling you that twice, then obviously the situation is out of whack.
This article has been brought to You by John Alexander, the author of “How to Become an Alpha Male”. Check out the unique techniques for dating girls that he teaches other men.